Laser engraving on Glass

Glass engraving and etching with a CO2 laser produces a beautiful frosted effect. The machine allows you to etch custom logos, designs and just about anything you want, on glass. The frosted effect will really make your design stand out!

Glass types suitable for laser engraving:

  • Tempered glass
  • Plate glass
  • Insulating glass
  • Glass bottle

How to use HRC LASER machine engrave on round objects?
HRC Rotary device will help you set up different sizes of glasses, mugs, vases and wine bottles for engraving. It will turn the piece as the laser etches your pattern, logo and text. No special measurements are required to create these custom etchings.
What about the depth for the laser etch on glass?
With a laser you can make a light etch. This is not sandblasting and you won’t achieve that depth, but you can quickly create very elaborate designs with a laser that is lightly etched into the glass. It’s a unique look that many people prefer to sand blasting.
Do I have to do other work before engraving on glass?
Unlike sandblasting, with a laser you are only engraving where you tell the laser beam to fire, so there is no masking required.
Can I use the laser machine to cut glass?
Laser machine just can surface light engraving or etching on glass sheet, mirrors, bottles, wine cups, etc. However, it cannot use to cut the glass.